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Unleashing Your Potential: A Guide for Black Women Escaping Corporate to Build Successful Businesses

Are you a Black woman tired of facing the challenges and barriers in the corporate world? 
Ebook numbers

The facts speak for themselves

black women have quit jobs because they don't feel emotionally safe

of all Black women in the U.S. are in the process of starting or running a new business, compared to 10% of white men and 15% of white women
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women-owned businesses have prospered through our program.

Black women owned over 19% of all women-owned businesses—above their proportional representation within the U.S. population.
Ebook contents

What you'll find inside

Download your copy of our eBook today and take the first step towards achieving your career goals!

The Reasons Why Women Leave Their Jobs

Inside, you'll learn the reasons why women are escaping the corporate landscape to take control of their lives, careers and futures. 

Barriers to Success

Inside you'll learn the barriers to black women's success in transitioning from corporate to organizational leader.

Solutions to Get Started with Building a Successful Business Independently

Explore the different ways you can develop new skills and enhance your leadership skills to cultivate your business leadership authority.

Meet our Visionary

My vision is for every woman marked for greatness to fulfill her vision through business leadership. 
Anika Wilson
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